WFCA Christmas

This year, our Christmas festivities was a party on Friday the 16th, and the fun shoot held on Saturday the 17th. Lots of fun was had all around!

There was a great turnout for out Christmas party! Thank you for everyone who came. We had lovely food and fun games of skittles and curling on Friday evening. And, of course, there were lovely cakes and pudding provided by some of our members.

Well done to everyone braving the freezing weather the following morning for our December Frostbite! Despite the weather, we still had a good amount of archers willing to face the cold before our afternoon fun shoot.

As always, our Christmas fun shoot involved shooting at targets made by Penny. There was lots of laughs and only a few attempts at bending the rules to get the most points.

Many thanks to Pat for organising the Christmas party, Penny for organising our Christmas fun shoot, and to everyone else who helped out. If any members would like to add their photos, please let us know!