We are now on Easy Fundraising. Here’s How you can support us…
This week, the committee agreed to register the club on the Easy Fundraising Platform, which allows us to raise money when our supporters shop online. Easyfundraising partners with over 8,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. It won’t cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand.
So how do I get involved?
The first step is to download the easy fundraising app or create an account online. You will then be asked to choose a cause to support, simply search for “Wyre Forest Company of Archers”.

Enable the donation reminder in your account settings so you’ll always be notified if you’re shopping on a site that is enrolled in the scheme.

Already registered? Change the cause you support.
To change the cause you support, log in and select the account button. Then select “change the cause I support”.
What will it look like when I’m shopping?
When you open an eligible site, a box will appear reminding you to enable donations. Click the big yellow button and you’re all done!

You can also track your donations and how much you have raised in the app or online. Email updates are available, but you can always unsubscribe.

Well done to all to our WFCA archers at Malvern and especially since we won the Centreshot trophy for winning the team at the 2024 Malvern Nationals and CWAA Novice Tournament on the 21st of July!!

The 42nd Open Western was our first tournament at our new grounds at Stourport Cricket & Rugby Club. It was a successful day with no major problems and our club was proud to welcome people to our first tournament since moving.

Thankfully it was bright, sunny and warm all day and afterwards everyone was welcomed to sit in under the marquee for the raffle and presentation. The bar was also opened for fresh cold drinks for the afternoon and was quite welcome after a long day of shooting.
Of course, the 42nd Open Western couldn’t have happened without the great organisation of our Tournaments Officer, Melissa, as well as the field party and the judges, Adam and Jasmin, as well as the field captain and lord paramount. Photographs of the competition were taken by Brian Clarke. Also thank you to everyone else who helped out.
For the results of the tournament, click here. To see the other tournaments WFCA are hosting this year, click here and check out our tournaments page. If you’re looking for other local tournaments, try Archery GB’s find a competition page, here.

Easter Sunday marked the first shooting session at our new club grounds at Stourport Cricket Club. After many years of shooting at Upper Arley, the club made a difficult decision to move to new grounds.
Despite the chilly weather, lots of members joined in and our junior Ava shot the very first arrow.

This year, we held our Easter fun shoot a little earlier during an indoor shooting session. Despite this, it was a lot of fun all around, and was certainly a lot warmer than outside!
Thank you to Penny for the brilliant target designs and chocolate prizes. Also thanks to people who helped set up the targets and the team captains tasked with scoring and keeping track of everything.

Everyone who shot a balloon got an extra mini prize. People also scored creatively, trying to figure out how to get over 30 points with one arrow. Thank you to everyone who took part in our Easter fun shoot and well done to the winning team.
If you’re interested in joining our fun shoots, get in touch here.
Thank you to everyone who attended our 2023 Portsmouth shoot. Hopefully everyone enjoyed the shoot and congratulations to all of the winners. We hold our annual Western on June 4th for those who are interested.
Click here for the results, or find them on our tournaments page.
As many people know, we hold raffles at our competitions. This year, we raised £172.30 and this money will be donated to Headway. Headway is a charity that supports people who have experienced brain injuries and you can read more about them here.

Thank you to everyone who turned up for out Postal Portsmouth on the 14th and to everyone who has attended the postal shoots over the last few months.
We’re proud to announce that our recurve teams have won all of the previous months’ postal shoots for the Portsmouth and Frostbites. Unfortunately, we have been unable to submit a complete compound team and as such, have lost those rounds.
The January Frostbite will be on Saturday, 28th January.
For those looking to win a trophy, the first Handicap Challenge of the year will be on the 21st.
This year, our Christmas festivities was a party on Friday the 16th, and the fun shoot held on Saturday the 17th. Lots of fun was had all around!
There was a great turnout for out Christmas party! Thank you for everyone who came. We had lovely food and fun games of skittles and curling on Friday evening. And, of course, there were lovely cakes and pudding provided by some of our members.
Well done to everyone braving the freezing weather the following morning for our December Frostbite! Despite the weather, we still had a good amount of archers willing to face the cold before our afternoon fun shoot.

As always, our Christmas fun shoot involved shooting at targets made by Penny. There was lots of laughs and only a few attempts at bending the rules to get the most points.
Many thanks to Pat for organising the Christmas party, Penny for organising our Christmas fun shoot, and to everyone else who helped out. If any members would like to add their photos, please let us know!

Congratulations to all the winners of our 18m FITA shoot! The shoot was very successful and we are grateful so many people took part. Hopefully many of us will join next year.
For results, click here. Or, check out the tournaments page for the results and the details of any future competitions!
Thanks to all those who joined and extra thanks to those who helped the shoot run extra smoothly.
Thanks to all of the archers and club members that supported our UKRS WA18m shoot at the LQ Arena, Stourport. Our congratulations to Ella Gibson on shooting a new British record! The shoot was a great success and the monster raffle helped to raise valuable funds for the club. Big thanks to all club members who helped to make it run so smoothly.
Remember, this is a yearly event and next year we hope to bring more competitors and perhaps break a new record! Note the date or visit our “Tournaments” page for more information on next years event.